Ladies and Gentlemen, announcing the upcoming Christchurch Tweed Riders' jaunt. On Saturday the 27th of October we have a city ride planned. We will be meeting at Pomeroy's Old Brewery Inn at the Fitzgerald end of Kilmore St at 11am. Riding along the quake ravaged river banks and stopping whenever the mood takes us as we head to Cranmer Square for a picnic lunch, and with any luck a tour of one of the historical cottages facing the Square. From there we'll head to Smash Palace and any other establishments and/or parks that take the whims of those present before returning to Pomeroys.
Bring a packed lunch, bring a thermos, bring a hip flask, bring a blanket, your family, your pets or your antique croquet set. Whatever takes your fancy. For those who don't wish to portage their victuals about during the ride we will stop at appropriate establishments on the way to Cranmer Sq to procure sustenance.
See you there!